What Your Urine Says About Your Health

Every time you need to go to the washroom for number one you can learn a little bit something about your health. You can learn something about your health when you go number 2 too, but we’ll discuss that some other time.

Your pee or urine can say a lot about your body. The way it smells, its color, and the frequency of urination can say a lot about your health. Most importantly the color of your pee and, the hues of your urine can vary from different shades of yellow to weird colors such as blues, green, and even brown.

What does your pee color say about your health?

1. Clear or transparent pee – This can indicate an excessive amount of water in the body. If your pee is starting to look like water, it’s time to cut back on drinking it.

2. Pale straw or light yellow – This is the normal hue of urine. It means you are well-hydrated and healthy.

3. Transparent yellow – this color is just a bit darker than pale straw but still is normal. It may indicate that you have eaten something that darkens the pee a little or you need to drink a little bit more water.

4. Dark Yellow – This color may be a little darker, but still indicates a healthy body. It is advised to add more water to the diet to go pale straw.

5. Amber or Honey – This indicates slight dehydration in the body and requires a significant increase in the consumption of water.

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6. Syrup or Brown Ale – This may indicate severe dehydration or liver disease. Drink plenty of water, if the color persists, talk to a medical professional.

7. Pink to Reddish – You can get pink to reddish pee by eating something with very dark pigments such as rhubarb, beet, and blueberries. If you did not consume any food that contain dark pigments, this indicates blood in the urine.

Blood in the urine at times can be normal, but it can also be an onset sign of urinary tract infection, kidney disease tumor,s and prostate problems. It can also be caused by other factors such as medication, mercury poisoning, or lead in the system. If you have pink to reddish pee without consuming dark pigmented food contact a medical professional.

8. Orange – Like pink to reddish pee this color can happen due to different factors. It can be caused by eating food with food dye such as cheese-covered junk food. This can also mean a lack of water in the body and dehydration. Orange urine can also be a sign of a bile duct condition or liver problems. Certain medicines turn the urine orange. Always consult a doctor if you experience unusual pee hues.

9. Blue or Green – This is a very uncommon color that affects a small amount of the population. This urine hue is caused by a rare genetic disease that alters the color of the payee to green, blue but never purple. If you experience blue or green urine and you do not suffer from this rare genetic disease, then it could mean that you have a bacteria that is present in the urinary tract or have eaten food with pigmented food coloring such as blue popsicles or beverages. If the color persists, consult your doctor.

10. Fizzing or foaming of Urine – This can mean 2 things, you may have excess amounts of protein in your diet or kidney problems. Consult your doctor if you continue to have foaming or fizzing urine.

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What does the odor of your pee say about your health?

Urine normally doesn’t smell like something bad or strong. If you experience smelling something pungent it could mean urinary stones that cause the pee to have an ammonia-like odor. Diabetics also have sweet-smelling pee due to the excess sugar in their bodies. Foods can also affect the smell of your urine such as asparagus, and excessive amounts of alcohol in the system can also alter the smell of urine. If you experience a persistent strong smell in your urine consult a doctor.

How often do you go to the bathroom to do number one?

If you consume the required amount of water, then the normal times of comfort room visits are from 6 to 8 times. If you limit your fluid intake then it could be from around 3 to 4 times or less. If you constantly feel like you need to go then it may mean that you have a lot of excess fluids in your body or some health problems such as UTI, overactive bladder, benign prostate enlargement, interstitial cystitis, diabetes, and some neurological diseases.

You can tell a lot about your health with your urine, but going to a doctor and getting a full body check-up and urinalysis is always the best option. This is merely a guideline to assist you with getting in touch with your health.

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