Much research has shown that natural toothpaste can be way better for your teeth than ones from a store. So that inspired us to research and find one of the best alternatives that you can use as a toothpaste:

1. Baking soda
This is the most famous method in the whole world and you may already know. So, if you already use it we will show you how to upgrade it by putting a little stevia after you put the baking soda on the toothbrush and then the essential oil of peppermint to give some refreshment to it.
2. Sea salt
The usage of sea salt may cause you a little tooth surface abrasion that’s why you can put the toothbrush a little bit in water before washing your teeth with the sea salt on it so you will avoid an abrasion of the surface.
3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the sweetest ways for tooth brushing because of its antibacterial goods and nice aroma but is also handy for once mouth cleaning.
4. Dry brushing
If you don’t want these alternative methods of tooth washing then you can buy yourself a natural organic product toothpaste in some of the organic and natural makeup stores that you can find packed as a regular paste or as a pill. They can be also incredible and healthy ways of cleaning your teeth and enjoying your breath at the same time.
5. Oil pulling
The extra virgin olive oil mixed with coconut or peppermint oil if you cannot stand it just as olive oil will protect your teeth and make them shiny and white like you are from a toothbrush commercial. You can make the mixture by adding one tablespoon of each oil(s) and wawashinground your teeth a few minutes.