As we know, one of the most essential vitamins in the world is his majesty Vitamin C!
Many studies are confirming the need for this magnificent vitamin, especially for the function of our brain, for any illness, and for healing injuries. They confirm that the dosage of vitamin C should be 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women.
We are presenting you a food list that is high in C vitamin that will show you how to make a super diet with a grand dose of essential supplements:
- Strawberries are one of the sweetest berries in terms of health because they significantly consume vitamin C, but they also contain fiber and many antioxidants.
- Acerola Cherry –tinyl fruit butcompletel with vitamin C, it having more 65 times more vitamin C than oranges.
- Citrus fruits – lemon, oranges, grapefruits, lime- have enormous vitamin C power! One little glass of citrus fruit juice has more than 70 mg C- vitamin.
- Papayas – with one papaya, you are taking y00% of vitamin C needed on a daily round.
Blackcurrant is a high-C vitamin source, 180 mg in just one serving, and contains many iron, B5 vitamins, potassium, etc.
- Kiwi comes from New Zealand and has more vitamin C than oranges. It also has many flavonoids and potassium,m like bananas.
- Bell peppers – 140 mg of Vitamin C
- Guava – contains 250 mg of C Vitamin, and it’s the perfect nutrient for your diet.
- Brussels sprouts – cookedhaves around 50 mg of vitamin, but are very high in vitamin A, Vitamin K, dietary fiber,r, etc.
- Melons – one cantaloupe cup gives you 67mg vitamin C.
- Dark leafy greens – such as spinach, watercress, mustard greens, kale,e, etc.
- Malaki Fruit – comes from India and is very important in some medicines.
- Broccoli is one of the most fantastic detox diet foods.
- Cauliflower – high in vitamin K but also complete with Vitamin C (46 mg)
- Tomatoes – a serving of 100 gr tomatoes gives you 100 mg of vitamin C
- Select Herbs – thyme, basil, chives, parsley, cilantro, etc. are significant sources of vitamin C, too.
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