This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Coffee Every Day

If you are a coffee lover like me, this may be your favorite Your Health Tube article! It turns out that drinking coffee in the morning is more than just an energy boost.

My wife always criticizes me for drinking too much of it. However, a few days ago I read an article in one of our health magazines. It was about the latest research on drinking coffee and its health benefits. That inspired me to do a little research myself and contact some of my expert friends to learn more about this matter.

I found amazing information about the health benefits of drinking coffee that are proven and I want to share them with you.

Fact about coffee and its benefits 

In the past few decades, more than 18,000 studies have been completed about drinking coffee. Many of them claimed that an ideal dose of coffee is hard to determine since the perception of “a cup of coffee” may vary as widely as the mug sizes do.

However, the good news for all coffee lovers, including myself, is that many of the health benefits are associated with 2-4 cups per day.

That is the dose that most people in America consume, according to Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a coffee expert from the University of Scranton. Most of the researchers have proven that drinking this beverage can be beneficial for mental health, certain cardiovascular and liver diseases, weight loss, and diabetes.

 Health benefits of drinking coffee

Below you can find more about the evidence-based health benefits of this beverage, which have been proven in actual human studies. Coffee can:

  1. Boost Brain Power and Memory 
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Moderate coffee drinking between 2-4 cups a day can help sharpen your memory and keep you concentrated.

Coffee has antioxidant properties and can prevent damage to brain cells. Researchers have noted that as caffeine intake rises, some forms of brain cancers tend to drop.

According to many studies, it can also help reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia.

Just avoid coffee for at least 3 hours before bedtime.


  1. Prevent Type 2 Diabetes 

Regular coffee consumption is lowering the risk of developing diabetes, suggest studies from Harvard University.

Experts claim that antioxidant compounds in coffee boost cells’ sensitivity to insulin that aids regulate blood sugar.


  1. Protect Your Cardiovascular System 

The health of our cardiovascular system is really important for our life. The good news is that drinking coffee (2-4 cups a day) can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Following a Japanese research of about 79, 000 participants, people who consumed 2-3 cups of coffee per day reduced their risk of some cardiovascular disease by 39%.


  1. Burn Fat 

Caffeine is contained in almost every fat-burning supplement and there is a good reason for that. It is one of the few natural substances that can help fat burning.

However, these effects will lessen if you consume more than 4 cups of coffee per day.


  1. Reduce the risk of liver diseases.

According to the latest Italian studies, this beverage can lower the risk of liver cancer by more than 43%.

Regular consumption of this beverage is also associated with a reduced risk of many other liver diseases and a decreased risk of liver cirrhosis.

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A study published in the magazine Hepatology (April 2014), says that regular coffee consumption (2-4 cups per day) can reduce the risk of death from liver disease by 67%.



A regular consumption of coffee (8-ounce/2-4 cups a day) has certain health benefits. However, you need to reduce the caffeine intake if you have high blood pressure, suffer from anxiety, or have an overactive thyroid.

Caffeine may prevent weight gain or slightly boost weight loss, but still, there is no strong evidence that drinking coffee can result in significant weight loss.

You can find caffeine in many beverages, including coffee, energy drinks, tea, and some colas; in products that contain chocolate or cocoa; and in various dietary supplements and medications.

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