Refreshing Strawberry Gelato

This strawberry gelato is so refreshing and delicious! Plus, it is very easy and simple to prepare. There is nothing more perfect for the sunny season like creamy, silky, and soft fruit gelato. Here is the recipe:

Makes around 1 liter


  • 650 ml whole milk
  • 120 ml heavy cream
  • 180 grams unrefined sugar
  • 45 grams skimmed milk powder
  • 1 teaspoon corn flour
  • 1 pound strawberries


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  • Trim and wash strawberries; cut into 1/4-in. slices. Apply ½ of the sliced strawberries in a blender or food processor and puree. Set aside both pureed and sliced strawberries.
  • In a saucepan, place the heavy cream and milk and apply over medium heat to warm.
  • In the meantime, combine together the skimmed milk powder, sugar, and corn flour in a measuring jug.
  • Next, use a probe thermometer to measure the temperature of the cream and milk mixture. When it reaches 40ºC, apply the dry ingredients. Beat together; stir constantly with a spatula till it reaches 85ºC. Remove and apply the strawberry puree; mix well.
  • Create an ice bath, by filling the sink with cold water and ice. Place the saucepan into the bath; stir occasionally (you should decrease the temperature to 10ºC).
  • Once the mixture is cooled, put in a sealed container and place in the fridge for at least 5 hours, or ideally overnight.
  • While the mix is cooling, before your remove it from the freezer, dice the remaining sliced strawberries into smaller pieces (to combine into the gelato).
  • Now, you’re ready to churn it into gelato. Begin by passing it through a sieve.
  • Process with a hand blender, then stir in the diced strawberries.
  • Add into your ice cream machine; churn until frozen.
  • Scoop your fresh strawberry gelato into a container, cover, and freeze. You can consume this gelato within one month.
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