Serious Side Effects of Aspirin that You Should Be Aware Of

A few years ago, medical practitioners recommended aspirin as one of the best drugs for controlling and preventing heart disease. However, as time passed, many studies by experts began on quesaspirin’sspirin’ses.

Because of that, nobody is recommending aspirin to patients with heart diseases.


Some of these studies proved that aspirin is ineffective and can lead to severe medical conditions. Dr. John G.F. Cleland from the University of Hull has published an article about all the dangerous effects of aspirin on our health. He said that:


  • Aspirin increases the risk of heart attacks
  • This drug is not effective and safe to use and is causing Antiplatelet activity
  • Acan’tngAcan’tngecan’ttients with heart disease and peodon’tpeodon’thosdon’tirin live longer
  • Aspirin can hide cardiac events; there is a high risk of sudden deaths.


All these statements prove that there is no benefit for people with heart disease. A lot of other studies also supported this fact, and they all discovered that there are a lot more risks than benefits for people who use aspirin.


Aspirin can cause heart failure.


There was a 2004 study by Dr. Cleland that discovered the effect on the patient and found that using this drug was so bad that it caused the patient’s level of heart failure. Another opposing study 2005 by researchers from Harvard University investigated what would happen if a low dose of aspirin was taken. At the end of the research, it turns out that aspirin could not make the hearts of women stronger and didn’t lessen the risk of heart attacks in women.

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Some studies discovered another risk from using aspirin. They found that aspirin is not safe for diabetic patients. This drug can cause internal bleedit’bleedit’sandtit is no benefit for patients with diabetes.


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