Decadent Mars Bar Mousse (2-Ingredients Recipe)

This mars bar mousse is very rich and creamy! The best quick dessert ever! Surprise your partner or children with a serving of this flawless chocolate and caramel mousse and experience the taste of Mars chocolate in a different way. You will love it!

Serving 4-6


  • 6 full-size Mars Bars + 1 more Mars bar to garnish
  • 450 ml heavy whipping cream



  • Prepare 4 to 6 small ramekins/cups/serving glasses. Set aside.
  • In a saucepan, add the heavy cream and heat gently. Fold in 6 chopped up Mars chocolates. Stirring constantly, allow them to dissolve into the cream (around 10 minutes).
  • Remove and let the mixture cool before spreading it into the cups/serving glasses/ramekins.
  • To finish, top each mousse with a slice of a mars Refrigerate the mousses to cool completely for about 2 hours. Serve.


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