Magical Beverage That Fights Against Inflammation, Depression and Free Radicals

We all know that antioxidants are the main thing that fights our organisms against free radicals’ growth. Free radicals are the main reason for many diseases.

There are many spices hatchares used in the culinary world but Turmeric is the best source of antioxidants. You probably know that Turmeric is the main ingredient in curry.

Can you imagine that Turmeric has over 300 antioxidants? That’s why we are going to share this extraordinary beverage with you.


  • 1 tablespoon of powdered turmeric
  •  5 carrots
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 orange
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 fresh piece of ginger (5 cm)



This is the easiest preparation ever. The only thing you need to do is to clean the groceries and then put them in a blender. Many of you will ask do I have to peel them all? – No you don’t!

It is known that a large number of vitamins lay down in the peel of the lemons and oranges, but you can peel the ginger. Mix them until the mixture gets homogeneous.

It’s up to your taste but you can add some ice cubes for refreshment and your magical beverage is ready!



With this beverage, you will consume a lot of curcumin which is a known antioxidant that soothes inflammations caused by arthritis and also reduces joint pains and stiffness. This beverage can prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer.

As we said earlier Turmeric is number one and this antioxidant can regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood also prevents cardiovascular diseases and has the power to minimize bloating and soothe gastritis.

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Turmeric can also help if you have a loss of appetite, intestinal gas or liver problems, and gallbladder disorders. We hope that we convinced you about this magical drink and we will be very happy if you share your experience with us.

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