Here are Ways to Grow Back Receding Gums by Using Natural Home Remedies

Are you suffering from unsightly receding gums? If this has been your long-term problem then now is the perfect time to take action and stop worrying about them once and for all. What’s more interesting about treating this condition is that all you need are simple and natural home ingredients.

The gums play two important functions; this soft tissue is where you can find the roots of the teeth. Teeth are firmly embedded in them and help in keeping them in place. As we age, the margin of the gum tissues surrounding the teeth either pull back or wear away resulting in gum recession. As a result of receding gums, the teeth become more visible, thus giving you a “gummy” smile, which is more often than now, unsightly. Receding gums also result in the development of pockets and gaps in between the teeth. As a large surface area of the teeth is exposed, the dental cavity becomes increasingly exposed to bacterial infection and disease.

A more visible set of teeth is not only unsightly but tends to be more painful and sensitive to certain food items as well as weather conditions. Gum recession not only leads to toothache but also great damage to other teeth and may even lead to permanent tooth loss.

Gum recession may seem to be a not-so-serious condition due to the fact that it develops in a slow and gradual manner. Early detection is crucial if you want to treat it immediately or if you want to prevent it altogether.

The first definitive sign of gum problems is teeth sensitivity. The increase in visibility of a tooth or an increase in its size is indicative of receding gums as well. The other signs that point to gum issues are as follows:

– toothache or pain

– tooth sensitivity

– increase in the size of the tooth/teeth

There are many causes of recession:

Aggressive tooth brushing

The aggressive manner by which one brushes the teeth can lead to significant damage to the enamel and gum disease.

Poor oral hygiene

Unsatisfactory oral hygiene is one of the leading causes of receding gums. Plaque deposits in between teeth are known to cause not only receding gums but other dental problems. Too. Make it a point to brush your teeth at least once a day.

Periodontal disease

The bacterial infection of the gums is referred to as periodontal disease. Bacteria cause infection thus destroying the structure that supports the teeth.

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Hormone imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is one culprit that leads to the development of hypersensitive gums. This is especially true among women who suffer from fluctuations and rises in hormones.


We are all aware of the fact that smoking brings about a host of diseases including cancer, respiratory illness, and receding gums. The accumulation of tar as a result of smoking also means the collection of plaque in between teeth.


It’s in the genes. Some individuals are inherently predisposed to developing receding gums during their adult years.

It is widely documented that tongue and lip piercings predispose individuals to develop receding gums. This condition may also be caused by the habitual clenching and grinding of teeth. Aggressive biting while eating also contributes to the development of receding gums.

Treatment and Management of Receding Gums

Minor cases of receding gums can easily be treated by procedures namely tooth scaling and root planning. A dentist will be able to treat the condition by treating the area under the gum line.

If left untreated, serious cases of receding gums can be treated and managed using surgery. A surgical procedure is done to inspire the regeneration of lost tooth tissue and bone. Depth reduction and soft tissue graft regeneration are also procedures that can treat and manage serious cases of receding gums.

There are also trusted natural home remedies that can treat receding gums. With these effective solutions, you can avoid painstaking surgical procedures altogether. In the case of severe gum infection, it is recommended to contact your dentist before implementing natural home remedies for receding gums.

Listed below are some of the most effective natural home remedies for receding gums. When combined with proper oral hygiene, these remedies will most assuredly help you in restoring healthy gums again.

  • Green Tea

Green tea has always been known to be a very useful food item with a host of health benefits. Its high antioxidant concentration alleviates the proliferation of free radicals; dangerous compounds that cause periodontal disease.

Green team is rich in catechins, a powerful antioxidant that immediately treats periodontal diseases. Catechins further strengthen the connection between the teeth and gums. They also reduce swelling as a result of their anti-inflammatory qualities. A cup of green tea daily is more than enough to prevent as well as treat receding gums.

  • Aloe Vera

The repairing and anti-inflammatory characteristics of aloe vera make it a popular remedy for treating skin-related problems. In the case of receding gums, aloe vera’s anti-bacterial properties make it an excellent treatment alternative to repair damaged tissues and effectively prevent nasty bacterial infections.

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Use aloe vera gel as mouthwash. Simply mix the gel with some water.  Gargle the solution after brushing your teeth. The application of aloe vera gel directly on the affected area is also effective. Ideally, brush and floss your teeth thrice a day. Apply the gel and wait for 5 minutes before rinsing.

  • Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is considered the most powerful alternative treatment for receding gums. It is also beneficial in the prevention of receding gums and other oral diseases.

Oil pulling is a procedure that guarantees anti-inflammatory effects as it eliminates toxins as well as plaque deposits tucked in between teeth. In addition, the use of sesame oil delivers a strong protective layer over the teeth’s surface which in turn prevents the accumulation of plaque and tartar.

Ideally, the oil needs to be warmed to a certain temperature. Make sure that it is warm, not hot. Use the oil to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. Rinse and gargle the oil for 30 seconds up to 1 minute. Gargling with oil may seem uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to the taste over time. Gradually increase the duration until you can do it for 20 minutes each session.

Coconut oil is also excellent for oil pulling. Its anti-bacterial properties help in reducing the chances of bacterial infection. It also helps in preventing tooth decay, cavities, and other oral health issues.

You can use it to rinse after tooth brushing. Start with rinsing with coconut oil for 2 minutes until you can successfully increase the duration to 20 minutes.

  • Eucalyptus

The eucalyptus plant has a long list of health benefits. Its essential oil is more concentrated and is known to boast longer, more potent effects than other herbs. Eucalyptus essential oil is extremely powerful in fighting bacterial and disease-causing germs that may be thriving in the oral cavity. Other oral infections can also be treated with eucalyptus essential oil.

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Eucalyptus is excellent in alleviating gum swelling and inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a strong ingredient if you want to manage oral issues such as receding gums.

The use of eucalyptus oil in treating receding gums is easy and straightforward. Combine one to two drops of eucalyptus essential oil with one to two tablespoons of water. Soak your toothbrush in the oil solution and directly apply it to it. Massage the solution for it to successfully penetrate into the gums and in between teeth.

  • Myrrh

The resin of the Myrrh tree is an excellent natural home remedy for receding gums as well. This ingredient is an extremely powerful ingredient that guarantees treatment and management not only of receding gums but of other oral diseases too. With regular use, it can unsuccessfully treatetreatingby preventing further damage.

Simply crush the myrrh tree resin into power. You may also purchase powdered myrrh for this solution. Mix the powder with water until it becomes a paste. Apply the thick paste directly on the gums. Massage the solution for several minutes, Rinse thoroughly.

  •  Clove Oil

Clove oil is traditionally used to treat painful toothaches. Clove and its anti-inflammatory quality make it an excellent ingredient to fight off bacteria, germs, and other disease-causing microorganisms. It reduces the amount of swelling and significantly reduces inflammation caused by receding gums.  Clove oil is also an excellent natural remedy for those suffering from bad breath.

Use one to two drops of clove oil and massage directly onto the gums. Repeat this procedure at least thrice a day.

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