Cardiovascular Disease: 12 Miraculous Home Remedies

There are numerous risk factors for cardiovascular disease. They include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, family history of heart disease, lack of exercise, being overweight or obese, and ethnic background. Many of these risk factors are related. Therefore, this means that if a person has one risk factor, it is more likely to have others.

Home Remedies for Cardiovascular Disease

When dealing cardiovascular disease, it is important to consult your GP for proper diagnosis and treatments. Plus, it is essential to use certain home remedies and make some lifestyle changes in order to improve your cardiovascular health. Here are the most effective home remedies that you should consume in order to prevent or treat heart disease.


  1. Blueberries

Most of the berries, not just blueberries, but strawberries and raspberries as well, are great for the healthy heart. They are rich in flavonoids (powerful antioxidants) and anthocyanin that give the red and blue colors of these berries. Studies have shown that if you eat 3 servings of strawberries and blueberries per week, you can lower the risk of stroke, heart attack and decrease your blood pressure.


  1. Dark Chocolate

dark chocolateAccording to several studies made in 2012, dark chocolate can benefit the heart by reducing heart attacks and strokes in people who have a high risk for these issues. Dark chocolate (at least 65-70 % cocoa) contains flavonoids known as polyphenols that can help reduce clotting, inflammation, and high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, most candy bars and regular milk chocolate don’t make the grade when it comes to heart protection.


  1. Citrus Fruitscitrus fruits

Citrus fruits are really high in vitamin C, which has been related to lower risks of heart disease. Researchers found that women who consume great amounts of flavonoids that are found in grapefruits and oranges have an 18% lower risk of stroke than women who do not get as much of these powerful compounds. However, be responsible with drinking citrus juices because they contain added sugar.

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  1. Garlic

Many experts have suggested that garlic is beneficial for some heart conditions like coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. It improves circulation, helps slow the hardening of the arteries and development of atherosclerosis. Moreover, garlic has antiplatelet and antithrombotic effects.

Consume 2 raw garlic cloves per day or if you don’t like the taste take some garlic supplements. Usually, the daily recommendation is 600-1200 mg separated into 3 equal doses.

Note: Garlic may interfere with some medications because of its blood-thinning properties. You need to consult your doctor before taking this ingredient.


  1. Arjuna

Arjuna is a significant Ayurvedic herb for treating numerous cardiovascular conditions. It is considered a natural cardiac restorative and cardiotonic. Arjuna reduces arterial congestion, lowers high blood pressure, and strengthens the cardiac muscle.

You can take arjuna in supplement form (the recommended daily dosage is 500 mg on every 8 hours), or make a home remedy by adding ½ teaspoon of arjuna tree bark powder and 1 teaspoon of organic honey into a glass of lukewarm water. Consume this 3 times per day, for a few months.

  1. Hawthorn

It improves cardiac muscle contractions and helps increase blood flow to the heart. Hawthorn also helps reduce the workload of the heart and increase cardiac performance and output. Moreover, it has amazing anti-arrhythmic effects that aid steady the heartbeat.

You can take hawthorn in supplement form. The recommended daily dose e is from 300 to 600 mg, 3 times a day. Follow this treatment for several weeks to a couple of months.

Note: Although this plant is safe to use, you should consult your doctor before taking hawthorn supplement.

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  1. Chinese Hibiscus

Studies have shown that Chinese hibiscus flowers have incredible anti-atherosclerosis properties. Experts believe that hibiscus contains great antioxidant compounds that aid prevent “bad” cholesterol, that contributes to heart disease. An infusion made from this herb is also thought to regulate high blood pressure.

Simply boil 2 petals of this flower into a cup of water. Next, strain and put 1 teaspoon of organic honey. Consume this once a day, for a few weeks.


  1. Cayenne

It contains a compound known as capsaicin, which is beneficial for treating circulatory and heart problems. It also helps lower high cholesterol levels, and aids reduce the risks of irregular heart rhythm. The phytochemicals in cayenne also enhance immunity and purify the blood.

You can use cayenne in a supplement, or consume ½ -1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed in a cup of warm water, 2-3 times per day.


  1. Turmericturmeric

As you probably already know that turmeric has a powerful active ingredient – curcumin, which helps reduce “bad” cholesterol, plaque build-up, and clot formation. Plus, it provides anti-inflammatory benefits. As a potent antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals that contribute to several chronic diseases and aging.

You can add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder into a cup of lukewarm water or milk. Consume this 2-3 times per day for a few weeks. Alternatively, you can take turmeric in a supplement form. The recommended daily dose is from 400 – 600 mg, 3 times per day. You should consult your GP for the proper dose that is suitable for your cardiovascular condition.


  1. Alfalfa

It has been proven to be very beneficial in preventing cardiovascular issues as it helps reduce “bad” cholesterol and plaque build-up.  You can drink alfalfa tea a few times per day, or take alfalfa in supplement form. Consult your doctor for a proper dosage suitable for your condition.

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  1. Fenugreek Seeds

These seeds have great antioxidant and cardio-protective properties. Thanks to their powerful modulating effects on blood lipid levels, it is excellent for reducing the platelet aggregation and therefore, decrease the risks of abnormal blood clotting linked to strokes and heart attacks. Fenugreek seeds are also incredible in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, lowering high cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Simply soak 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and leave them overnight. In the morning, consume this on an empty stomach. Do this once a day, for a few months.


  1. Green Tea

It contains potent antioxidants that improve the health of cells which form the inmost lining of the blood vessels and heart. It aids reduce high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Green tea also boosts metabolism and helps control blood sugar.

In 2008, Japanese researchers proved that drinking 4-5 cups of green tea a day can lower the risk of stroke and death from heart attack by 27%. You can consume 3-4 cups of caffeine-free green tea a day, or take from 100-750 mg of green tea extract every day.



Note: Some of these home remedies can interfere with certain medications or may not be suitable for some cardiovascular conditions. So, seek an advice of your doctor before taking these remedies.



Cardiovascular disease is very severe and dangerous condition that is common in the U.S. You can prevent and treat any type of heart disease by decreasing risk factors, as maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure, managing stress, getting exercise regularly, and most important eating healthfully. Some fruits, herbs, and supplements can aid prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce its symptoms by lowering high blood pressure, improving breathing, and aiding your heart to function better.

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