The No Acne Diet

Sometimes having a pretty face is not enough. A clean and acne-free face is also just as important. Acne is a skin condition referring to the inflammation of the skin that ends up causing pimples, zits, whiteheads, or blackheads. While acne is more commonly noticed or seen on the face, it can appear on other parts of the body as well, like on the back, buttocks, or shoulders.
In many cases, people with acne-prone skin are genetically predisposed to developing more acne breakouts than
other individuals. Many experts also believe that the type and amount of make-up that we place on our faces is another contributing factor to the dreaded acne breakouts. While genetics and cosmetics are indeed contributing elements, one factor that is sometimes overlooked is diet.
Many studies have shown that our lifestyle, diet, and the type of food that we eat can affect our skin’s condition. It may come as a shock but many of the food that we normally eat every day can be our skin’s deadliest enemy. Below you will find a list of foods that you should avoid and an acne diet that you should follow to achieve that clear and porcelain-like skin you’ve always wanted.

Get Rid Of Acne With This Diet

  • Water is Your Best Friend – Water has a lot of benefits. Not only is it the cheapest and most convenient medicine and beverage, but it can also be your ticket to getting fewer acne breakouts. Drinking even 2 cups of water will increasingly improve your body’s blood flow, according to a study conducted at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Drinking plenty of water is also the best way for you to flush out the internal toxins in your body. Among these toxins are the ones causing pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. During metabolism, your body will also produce toxins, and these will need to be flushed out to boost your immune system and prevent these toxins from creating any skin breakouts.
  • Food Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acid Is Good – You may think it ironic that eating foods that are rich in oil can be a good thing. Food with Omega 3 can act as an anti-inflammatory, thus decreasing your chances of getting more acne in your body. Aside from being a great acne-buster and anti-inflammatory, Omega 3 is very good for the heart. Foods that are abundant with Omega 3 include salmon, beans, walnuts, as well as flaxseed oil. Remember to try to avoid foods that are rich in Omega 6 or vegetable oil, like those snacks you get from fast food chains, since those aren’t healthy at all.
  • Cut Down on the Sugar – We cannot emphasize this enough especially since most of us chug down a lot of sugar without us even realizing itSome studies have shown that an increase in your blood sugar will also increase the levels of your hormones. And our hormones can also increase the production of oil in our body. Think of it as a domino effect. The more sugar we eat, the more oil our body will produce which will eventually lead to a skin breakout. Many types of food are rich in sugar, although we may not know it. Learn to avoid snacks like pasta, white rice, crackers, and white bread. If you have a sweet tooth, you can find an alternative to sugary products or treats. Certain fruits are sweet and healthy yet they don’t increase your body’s blood sugar like a piece of candy would.
  • The Best Acne-Free Diet – Although there are a lot of things that you should avoid eating to prevent getting any acne, there is a lot that you can still eat. For clear, and acne-free skin, you must include food with antioxidants, fiber, whole grains, zinc, green tea, and selenium.
  • Regulate Your Blood Sugar – If you want to get flawless skin, eating healthy is one thing that you should not miss. Eating certain healthy foods will regulate your blood sugar and will also help you stop cravings for oily or unhealthy food. Examples of such snacks, fruits, or vegetables are green juices, green tea, cinnamon, salmon, oatmeal, broccoli, and avocado.
  • Dietary Supplements – For people who are genetically predisposed to acne, this is usually caused by poor digestion problems, which can clog the pores of the skin. One way to overcome poor digestion is by taking dietary supplements such as apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes, and Aloe vera juice. These dietary supplements will not only make your skin clearer, but they also have other benefits like supplementing your body’s Vitamin B and zinc.
  • Chocolates Won’t Always Make You Happy – One popular theory about chocolate is that eating a generous amount will increase our body’s serotonin level, serotonin being a chemical that elevates our mood and makes us happier. But in certain cases, chocolate isn’t always a good thing especially since chocolate has been shown by several studies as a type of food that will increase a person’s chances of developing acne.
  • Think Before You Party Hard – Another primary cause of skin breakouts is alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to dehydration, which is one condition that you should always avoid to get healthier skin. Another reason why you should avoid alcohol is that it is chock full of sugar, and like what you’ve read previously, sugar is one of the elements to annoy skin breakouts.
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