5 Super-Herbal Home Remedies for Anger Management

Anger is a common normal emotion. But, it can be an issue if you find it hard to keep it under control. An individual can get angry due to different reasons such as disrespect, unhappiness, humiliation, embarrassment, stress, incomplete goals, or unfair treatment. All types of medications, especially the pain relievers, and damage of the liver are the most frequent causes of anger. Physical symptoms could also involve high blood pressure, digestive problems and could come from stress. 

Recognize Your Signs of Anger 

Here are some of the most common signs or anger:

  • You breathe more quickly;
  • Your heart beats fast;
  • You feel tension in the shoulders, and/or
  • You are clenching the fists

If you notice some of these signs you should avoid stressfully and other unpleasant situations, take a few minutes to be alone and prepare yourself a cup of tea from the following herbs.

Herbal Remedies for Anger Management

Here are the most helpful herbal remedies that will help you to treat this condition:

  1. German Chamomile

It contains flavonoids, choline, coumarone and cyanogenic glycosides, which make is really effective to treat anger.

You can consume a cup of chamomile tea 2-3 times per day in “your blue days” or every time you feel some signs. It will calm you . Alternatively, you can consume German chamomile in a form of extract or capsule.

  1. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is another very beneficial herb for anger management. It contains flavonoids, xanthones, and volatile oil that can help you control this condition caused due to some mild or even moderate depression.

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Drinking herbal tea from St. John’s Wort 2-3 times per day in stressful days, or just consume it every time you feel angry. It will balance your mood swings.

  1. Vervain

It contains flavonoids, iridoid monoterpenes, and caffeic acid derivatives that help to relax shoulders and neck. This amazing herb provides calming effects to the brain and therefore, helps to control anger.

Verbena Officinalis (or just Vervain) can be consumed in the form of tea or tincture. Consume vervain tea regularly to reduce anger and relieve stress.

  1. Passion Flower

Passion flower is great for this kind of problems. You can consume it as herbal tea or tincture. This plant has a reputation as a mild sedative and is truly effective for calming the nerves.

  1. Agrimony

This herb aids to treat the issues related to anger. Agrimony provides relief from pain, fear or anxiety and cools angry outburst. This plant is available in a form of tincture in the USA, but you can also find it as herbal tea. Consume the tincture (or tea) 2-4 times per day.


Note: You should use the above-mentioned plants under the guidance of a doctor in order to avoid any side effects.




You can use these herbs in a state of emotional sensitivity or dissatisfaction. They will calm your soul and help you relieve stress and treat anger. Natural remedies for anger management include herbs, cell salts, and some homeopathic remedies that can help you control your feelings and calm down. There are also powerful tips for anger management that you should use or/and combine with these herbal treatments: LINK

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